21 December 2024

drive the dark away

The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year, when the Earth tilts furthest from the Sun, creating a powerful energetic pause. 

The Winter Solstice has been celebrated for centuries across various cultures as a symbol of rebirth and renewal. 

an iconic Yuletide poem 

It represents a time when the darkness reaches its peak, marking winter's turning point. Days slowly begin to lengthen again, signaling the return of light. 

The extended darkness and stillness slow the inquiring mind, allowing reflection to adjust, recalibrate, and balance. To make space for transformation and expansion in every area of our lives. 

"The Shortest Day" read aloud

You may want to honor the moment with a personal ceremony to center and guide you forward. A Tarot deck to align with the season's energy is quite helpful. Gather any other items you may need to settle into this sacred space. 

Pick a favorite crystal for focus and direction. Have a pen and journal ready to record anything significant. Sit by a fire or light a special candle. Play some quieting music to build an atmosphere of warmth and care. 

winter solstice tarot spread

Settle within - take a few deep breaths, shuffle your cards, and begin to lay out your Winter Solstice tarot spread. Keep it direct and simple, maybe a three-card spread. Past, present, future? Reflect, rely on, revelation? It's all up to you. 

May you experience peace and joy, recognizing the light of hope dawning after the darkness. All the possibilities contained in the sacred pause during this time of transition. 

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