30 September 2021

the stigma of sin

Defining sin :

a: an offense against religious or moral law

    b: an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible it's a sin to waste food

    c: an often serious shortcoming : fault

a: transgression of the law of God

    b: a vitiated state of human nature in which the self is estranged from God

Sin — the idea or belief that we sin — is the single most destructive force implanted into the human psyche. Made up by religious organizations and human institutions to control others through guilt and fear, blame and shame. No dignity or respect for human life.

scenes from Greek mythology adorning the ceiling in the Palazzo Medici

What if we did not regard the human being as sinful by nature, even when in rebellion against god? Every human being is a person of great worth who has within themself a vast store of good as well as unworthy and even terrible behavior or habits.

22 September 2021

belief vs faith

Miriam-Webster defines these two, often interchanged, words in our common vocabulary. 

belief - [1] a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing; [2] something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion; [3] conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon, especially when based on examination of evidence

faith - [1] loyalty or allegiance to duty or a person; fidelity to one's promises; [2] sincerity of intentions; complete trust; [3] believing with strong conviction

Belief is taught or acquired by external and outer experience. Faith is nurtured and grown within and internalized. 

14 September 2021

all interconnected

“By attending the online Summit, you will be part of creating a powerful healing container to bring light to collective trauma for the collective consciousness  of humanity at this pivotal time on our planet.” ~ THOMAS HÜBL

Collective Trauma Summit 2021

A 10-Day Online Event with 45+ Experts to Explore How to Work With Individual, Ancestral, and Collective Trauma - SEPT 19 to 28, 2021.

Join over 100,000+ souls for an all NEW online event with expert presentations, talks, poetry readings, movement sessions, guided meditations, and panel discussions where we will delve into the theme of Collective Healing in Action.

06 September 2021

Virgo new moon transformation

I love Virgo season - my only daughter and my college mentor are both born in the sign of Virgo. The Virgo archetype has the innate skills and ability needed to bring order to the chaos of creation. 

art by Lori Menna

Birthed from Leo (the constellation just before hers), she takes the desires of our hearts, our gifts, talents, and unique self-expressions, and transforms them with her practical magic into something that can grow and thrive in our earth-based reality.