27 September 2020


Ceremony is a conscious act performed, uniting in ritual and purpose, the specialness of an event or occasion. Cultural or traditional, religious or civil, communal or private - a ceremony is a creative, powerful, and impactful means of communication and connectivity. 

Canterbury Cathedral Altar

Adding ceremony to our daily prayer is valuable because it consciously directs our purpose and intent. Prayers are universal and every individual prays one way or another. Prayer is deliberate communication issued or action taken to connect with spirit, the divine, all that is, source, the God of our heart. 

A Shinto Kamidana [home altar]

When we pray we are either naming, asking, or declaring with prayers of invocation, petition or decreeThe idea expressed or action taken are an expression of honour, worship, or devotion. 

The Opferstein or sacrificial rock, Austria

21 September 2020

hope is a discipline

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

The 2020 theme for the International Day of Peace is Shaping Peace Together. Celebrate the day by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the pandemic.

While many join together to spread peace, there are those who sow divisiveness and dissent, using the current crisis to promote their agenda of discrimination and hatred.

It is a sad and sorrow filled day for Filipinos around the world who recall the atrocities of the Marcos regime and dictatorship on the anniversary of the declaration of martial law in the Philippines.

It’s an act of rebellion to show up as someone trying to be whole and — I would add — as someone who believes that there is a hidden wholeness beneath the very evident brokenness of our world. ~ Parker Palmer

15 September 2020

let our spirit soar

The past decade has liberated me - bringing final closure to a cycle that took longer than I ever imagined and invested more energy than expected.

Sand Dunes and Moon by Regimantas Cieška

This last year of accumulation, of accreditation, and of study has served me well. It has fattened and filled my spirit. A fat moon full and filled with new understanding and a deepened consciousness. So big it bursts open to spill over. Rich with magic and resources, with offerings and boons - for all to witness and enjoy.

05 September 2020

music for the soul

There is geometry in the humming of the strings. There is music in the spacing of the spheres. ~ Pythagoras (569–490 BCE)

Oxidizing Space by Bernhard Rohne

The discovery of the precise relation between the pitch of the musical note and the length of the string that produces it is attributed to Pythagoras.

a poetic idea of music in the cosmos