25 August 2020

welcome to my world

August is the ideal month to bask under the night sky and dance with the stars. Meteor showers, comet trails, lunar phases, planetary alignments, asteroids and their near misses. The skies are putting on a stellar show.

concept art by BHAKTI creative design

The August full moon has been called the Sturgeon Moon, Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, and Grain Moon. It is a harvest moon that appears at the time of the year's first harvest, always shining by the stars of Aquarius or Capricorn. This year the full moon falls on August 3.

18 August 2020

rest easy

Have you heard of Trisha Hersey - self proclaimed nap bishop, founder of the Nap Ministry and advocator of radical rest as resistance? Either way, it's time for all of us to join her global movement and nap temple where we can rest in righteous sleep.

Who can fail to love the idea of rest as resistance? Especially in this world where life is such a grind our wheels fail to stop even face with this deadly worldwide pandemic?

In her latest course, Dark Night of the Soul, Sandra Ingerman instructs us in creating a personal altar that changes as we go through changes as well. My altar for the week sits on an old hand embroidered Bedouin tribal cover.

In dreamtime I join its travels up and down the old Silk Road from ancient lowlands of our mother river deltas in Egypt to the distant aerial peaks of the Himalayas. Moving back and forth between East and West, trading knowledge, histories, art and other treasures.

06 August 2020

ancient & ageless

In the early 70s I was a rebellious teenager in an all girls Catholic school run by German Benedictine nuns. Lucky for me a young nun came to be our high school principal and she was more open to having us express our new found angst in more productive ways.

We had much to vent as it was not just the birth of flower power and the all too controversial contraceptive pill, it was also the coming of age of the infamous Philippine dictator, Ferdinand Marcos. But that is a long and sordid tale I shall save for the more appropriate telling in my Change Warrior blog instead.

Jesus & Horus

Back then I thought being a hippie chick was the coolest thing. I loved beading my own headbands, wristbands and chokers. Embellishing and embroidering my clothes with thread, leather, cords and fringes would just put me in my creative zone.