21 August 2016

shamanic chakras

Today's healing post comes to us from the Four Winds Society.


While practitioners of yoga recognize seven chakras, my mentor, Don Antonio, taught me that we have nine. Seven of them are within the physical body, and two are outside the body. 

He called the eighth chakra the Wiracocha, which is the name of the Creator or Great Spirit (the word means sacred source). 

The eighth chakra corresponds to the Christian concept of the soul, which is personal and finite. Its source is the ninth chakra, Spirit, which is impersonal and infinite. 

We call this center a chakra for lack of a better name. In reality it is the dwelling place of Spirit – the spirit of every thing in the Universe. 

The ninth chakra is the Self that has never been born and will never die. This Self is prior to time, and it never enters the river through which time flows. 

It is prior to space and existed before the Universe manifested. This is the Self that never left the Garden of Eden. 

When this center is awakened, there is a deep, rumbling laugh that echoes over the mountains and thunders across the sky. 

15 August 2016

the road to lasting happiness

Without realizing it, many of our thought habits get in the way of our happiness and cause us to get stuck into negative patterns of thinking. 

[W]e will look at 13 ways we can rewire our thoughts and minds into allowing ourselves to feel the happiness that we deserve, freeing us to live, love and be happy. 

We will look at how we can liberate ourselves from those thoughts and mental habits that hold us back and hold us down, we will look forward to a better, happier and more positive new us. 

Follow this advice and not only will you feel better but those around you will too, after all, only a lit candle can light other candles.