22 August 2023

more mandalas

With the publication and launch of my coloring book, Mandala Cycles, I circle back to the cause and inspiration that led to its creation initially. 

Within its intricate circular patterns, there are common symbols throughout mandalas. Traditionally, they depict an abstract form of Buddha Mind

Most common sacred symbols are the wheel, tree, flower, or jewel. At its center the dot - representing being free of dimensions. The starting point, the beginning of contemplation, and devotion to the divine. 

coloring book art by Issa Urra - image by MayeeFab

From there, the center expands outward - lines and geometrical patterns symbolize the universe. All these encompassed by the outer circle - representing the cyclical nature of life.  

13 August 2023

heart on fire

We sure are being tested this August - best to harness all the spiritual power and heart centered support we can muster. Can we keep our fiery, knee-jerk reactions in check - especially when triggered? Staying cool in this August heat wave takes willpower and discipline plus lots of emotional support.

Between two super full moons bookending the month as well as both Mercury and Venus going into retrograde - it may be a good time to retreat and lie low for now. Maybe even go off the grid and be out into nature. 

twin full moons & dual retrogrades magnify fiery energies

Definitely take a break from being online for a digital detox. Head into your personal laboratory to experiment and explore. Away from the prying eyes and nosy phonies. Relieve any pressure - physical or virtual. Create a pocket sanctuary to restore clarity and balance. 

Leo is the sun’s home sign - motivating all zodiac signs to bravely open up their hearts and shine! Shine! SHINE! The Venus Star Point of August 13 may present some breakthroughs around values, relationships, and more.