28 June 2022

food for thought

They're giving away Michelin stars like a bowl of air puff mints on the way out the door. Gourmet or gourmand more is not better folks. If it were so easy to attain that star what's the point of jostling for one? All the subtlety has gone out of our world - a dire sign of the times. 

We've become so jaded. what an Iron Chef circus! Zap our taste buds to kingdom come. Blow our minds with unheard of concoctions. Overwhelm us with presentation and ambiance. Turn the meal into such a production number we can't even remember how it tasted.

When did the joy of an easy simple dish lose its flavor? Appetites turned voracious and insatiable are sickening and have degraded many in the elusive chase for the next best thing. 

11 June 2022

love & loathing

While the world is busy spinning all to dust I sit still and quiet at home. Shifting consciousness - mine and the planet's. Me to you. You to me. We to tree. 

Plant Medicine.

our local Canlaon Wonder Tree - a 1,328 year old balete or banyan

Buried and borrowing deep roots into the rich dark soil of the land - into the core of Mother Earth. Growing and spreading eager fresh tendrils and branches into the Ether. 

Here I am. Be I Am. You I am.