01 April 2019

manna from heaven

The Wheel of the Year has turned once more and we have arrived back at the Equinox - Spring in the North and Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.

Manna from Heaven

We seek balance between the Light and the Dark within ourselves that we might have it too in our world this coming year.

Relocating to a new home or stepping into new work highlights this all important balance. Whether it is the search for the right yet affordable space. Choosing to stay in the same neighborhood or resettling elsewhere. Deciding what to take and what to ditch or donate.

Imagine if the government were to cap the price of housing at half its present level. Prices would still be outrageously high but folks would suddenly be able to work and earn significantly less than they presently do without giving up their quality of life.  

They would gain in terms of time they could spend with their friends and family, doing things they love, improvements to their health and mental well-being, etc.

We are forced to admit that if we care about human lives, then we must call for growth.  We can deal with the environment later. Too many opt for that even when it is already too late now.

How can we ensure that people are able to access the things we need to live a good life without having to generate piles of income in order to do so, and without feeding the never-ending growth machine?

We need to build community more wisely and selectively than we have been taught as current independent consumers. We are all in this together after all.

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