29 December 2022

endings & beginnings

Mercury enters retrograde motion starting December 28, 2022, lasting into the new year till January 18.

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn

In the practice of astrology, understanding how Mercury in retrograde can affect us allows more control in our lives.

Navigate through this time with deep self awareness, creativity, patience and an inner knowing that we create our reality.

All are welcome to try out some of these helpful tips. Stay alert and aware as we end 2022 and start 2023.

20 December 2022

mother of gods

I am loving this winter solstice 2022 issue of Cathy Pagano on Wisdom of Astrology - featuring our many divine mothers and beacons of light. 

Each year here in the northern hemisphere of Mother Earth we celebrate the rebirth of the Light from December 20 to 25. We rejoice in the return of the light. Cultural holidays aligned with the Wheel of the Year - the yearly cycle of the Sun and Earth.

Danu the Mother Goddess

13 December 2022

wary & weary

With 2022 grinding quickly to its end - are you feeling the friction and rub? Do the year's events add up to weigh you down? 

Just in time the 12:12 gateway portal is here to add some wind beneath our weary wings. 

12 represents wholeness and completion

On the 12th day of the 12th month this powerful numerology code is activated to raise the frequency of our light body, access high realms of consciousness, and bring a sense of completion to a greater cycle. 

04 December 2022

2nd week of advent

On the second week of Advent the focus is on Peace - understanding the true meaning of peace.

Peace in Greek is eirene - from the primary verb eiro, which means to join. In Hebrew it is shalom - signifying wholeness. Joining that which is not joined and making whole that which is not whole.

Peace is used many times in sacred writing, and it is certainly one of the most frequently used words in our modern vocabulary. Isaiah referred to Christ, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas as “the Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6.

Nativity of Jesus, by Botticellic. 1473–1475

The inner esoteric meaning - the information that can be found behind this Christian festival - is revealed when we look more deeply and translate them energetically. Its meaning is purposefully hidden for human beings to begin their search for life's purpose - leading us on a spiritual pilgrimage.

This time of the year we often hear the phrase, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14

Without understanding the true nature of peace these texts can be misleading.

A more accurate translation of Luke’s words is, "Glory through the highest God, and on earth peace among men of good will.

Peace then is not a gift, nor a right. Indeed, Jesus said, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Matthew 10:34

It becomes clear that this most prized state of being is one of human achievement.

There is an intricate relationship between peace and the power of our will. The truth of this is revealed when we consider that there are different kinds of peace.

In John 14:27 we find these words, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.” The word leave here means ‘to send away’ showing us two kinds of peace - one that has departed and one that is offered in a different way.

We cannot experience the new peace unless we divest ourselves of the old peace. Shattering the old self to make ourselves whole - by joining the pieces back together.

This can only be achieved through the human will - not the ego bound will, but the higher will awakened by the I Am

The old will is pushy and selfish - motivated by self-survival. The new will is gentle, approachable, and always applied inwardly rather than directed towards others.

The use of this new will was made possible for the first time through the birth of Jesus Christ which we celebrate every year at Christmas.

It is the task of Advent to awaken in all of us the guiding spirit of goodness that opens doors of hope. Happy Holidays to all!