19 March 2020

water babies

Watching our little tadpoles back home, I am reminded of my first swimming lesson. I hear them giggling as they gargle the pool water, their happy sounds tickle my heart strings and bring back fond memories.

Surrender isn't always easy, even when it's called for or is our best option. All too often we approach surrender as failure or giving up. When in fact giving up the struggle is how we break free.

Empty shelves at a Target store in suburban Virginia (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

When we let go of attachment or resistance then we are released from the burden and baggage of their weight. Forging any ties that bind - ego, fear, greed - into a sacred bond.

There is a good reason humans are hard-wired for anxiety. It has helped to keep us safe from prehistoric encounters as well as fueled us to sprint through supermarkets for toilet paper, Nat Geo’s Amy McKeever writes.

On the latest episode of the Shaman's Cave Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau speak about the multi-layered topic of living a life of integrity and help us to look at areas in our life where we might have stepped out of line.

A big and helpful topic especially for facing challenges in our current lives. Tune in for the added bonus of a guided journey to contact our personal integrity gatekeeper for a transcendental experience in this incredibly supportive community. Perfect timing for this ideal topic now.

09 March 2020

involution & evolution

Edgar Cayce correlated the Lord’s Prayer to the seven chakra centers as a way to help open these centers and the endocrine glands that are related to them.

As Cayce correctly stated, our system is activated by anger, fear, mirth, joy, etc. through glandular secretions which flow into the whole system. The endocrine system is thus the link between our emotions and our physical bodies.

It is a circular relationship where our emotions have a powerful physical effect on our body via shifting neurochemical levels. Our neurochemical balance has a powerful effect on our emotions.

Cayce claims an even greater role for the endocrine system. It is not simply the link between body and mind but also the link with the soul, through the chakras.