27 November 2019

A Navajo Thanksgiving Prayer

In the non-ordinary world of the shaman time is elastic, symbols carry power, shapes shift.

Navajo ceremonies are conducted, at least primarily, for the purpose of healing disease; and while designated medicine ceremonies, they are, in fact, ritualistic prayers.

Like many ancient people, Navajo Indians understand the mysterious healing power of graphic design and use it in an elaborate healing ritual. 

honoring the medicine

The artist, the medicine man, uses naturally colored grains of sand, and pour them by hand to create "places where the gods come and go" in the Navajo language. The graphic design is used as a visual communication device.

According to anthropologist Trudy Griffin-Pierce in her study of Navajo sand painting, the power of Navajo sand painting is in the merging of time and space into a place where the present and the mythic past coexist, Griffin-Pierce writes. The Navajo consider sand paintings to be:

“sacred, living entities” with the power to“compress time and space.” It is through the power of sand painting and the associated rituals that an individual can be transported to a place where the present and the mythic world are one, a place where supernatural assistance and healing can be found (Griffin-Pierce 1992, 98-99).

This is the final section of a lengthy shamanic prayer about when the spiritual being and the physical human are united. We offer this up for a hopeful Thanksgiving.

To my feet I have returned
To my limbs I have returned
To my body I have returned
To my mind I have returned
To the dust of my feet I have returned
To my saliva I have returned
To my hair I have returned

My feet are restored to me
My limbs are restored to me
My body is restored to me
My mind is restored to me
The dust of my feet is restored to me
My saliva is restored to me
My hair is restored to me

The world before me is restored in beauty
The world behind me is restored in beauty
The world below me is restored in beauty
The world above me is restored in beauty
All things around me are restored in beauty

My voice is restored in beauty
It is finished in beauty
It is finished in beauty
It is finished in beauty
It is finished in beauty

18 November 2019

sympathy, compassion, empathy

East West Women highly recommend this powerful tandem of wise women and their healing light.

Join us in growing this community.

In today’s world we do not know how to respond to global catastrophes as well as issues that come up with our friends and loved ones.

We often confuse pitying others with compassion. But in reality when we pity people, nature beings, or places we disempower them.

Hosts Sandra Ingerman & Renee Baribeau

Renee and Sandra both share powerful guidance on how we can feed the light and strength of those challenged to lift them up and stimulate their power to heal from their situation.

Together they address how we can become too empathetic taking on the pain of others. This does not help anyone especially ourselves.

Sandra will lead us in a journey to see those we love and care about in their divine light and strength.

Join us in this engaging and inspiring show! Follow us at Shamanstv.com.

07 November 2019

Kundalini Summit - Nov 5 to 8

The Awaken Your Kundalini Summit is a 4-day event taking place from November 5 to 8 - online
and on the phone - a profound and experiential gathering for thousands of people who would like
to truly master our energy.

Kundalini is a divine frequency that’s powerful beyond measure, infinitely creative, and intimately
connected to our soul. 

In this life-enhancing summit, you’ll discover a large pool of wisdom and a wide range of powerful
techniques and practices to activate your Kundalini. . . .to clear collective fear and other “denser”
energies - transforming them into higher frequencies of love.

Some of today’s leading Kundalini experts will share practical yogic exercises to help you release
stuck patterns from your mind-body, elevate your frequency, and radiate this divine energy in
everything you do.

Tapping into this primal energy will help you be more present, more grounded, and more connected
to yourself and your dreams. . . .and manifesting will be much easier when you’re aligned with this
creative life force.