29 April 2024

we'moon beltane blessings

With roots established and delightful growth all around, we honor the fertility, beauty and resourcefulness of our creative and soil-based spaces. Give thanks for the clarity of vision and the potency of our prayers, which set our visions in motion. 

We have all that we need, and the abundance of our ideas is confirmed and affirmed. Our determination has sown such beautiful resonance. 

May we continue to stretch forward and ground our plans. So many blooms of possibility are on the horizon, and they are ready to make their presence known. Let's find nourishing ways of being that create echoes of joy and pleasure throughout our bodies, together in community and towards the Great Mother. 

Feed your inner landscapes and let us build upon and amplify our stories. Together may we practice gentle ways to pivot towards wholeness, cultivate a harmonious connection to the elements, and honor this fierce planet that supports us all.

Karen L. Culpepper © Mother Tongue Ink 2023
from page 79 in We'Moon 2024

Let’s find nurturing and nourishing ways of being that feed our bodies, connect together in community and honor the Great Mother. 

As we sustain our inner landscapes we build upon and amplify our stories. Create collaborative circles and practice gentle ways to pivot towards wholeness. Cultivate harmonious connections to the elements and honor this planet always - as it supports us all.

14 April 2024

intention + imagination = inspired insight

Around this time last year we began posting a series we created on Instagram called mantra | prayer | poem. These digital decoupages were created by Bhakti Creative Design

EcoDeo on Instagram

Declarations of intention, devotion, and vibration designed to capture the imagination to inspire and ignite insight. 

24 March 2024

older & wiser

Ageing is an art we all too easily overlook since oftentimes it is a double-edged sword. Ageism rears its ugly head in so many cases — a bias too often practiced in societies obsessed with youth and ill equipped to face death.

“For older people, ageism is an everyday challenge. Overlooked for employment, restricted from social services and stereotyped in the media, ageism marginalizes and excludes older people in their communities.” ~ World Health Organization

For menopausal women this is a particular challenge as we undergo a roller coaster ride of changes. I used to laugh at the concept when I was unaffected and I didn’t understand.

With good genes from both parents and our ancestors I would ridicule batchmates who started slowing down years ago and some even a decade or more younger than me.

on the beach

But the year I turned 65 it all came crashing down on me. Suddenly I noticed soreness or stiffness blooming where there didn’t used to be any. I broke one foot, then two years later, the other as well. How? Running full tilt with heavy bags in both arms. Yes! 

Now as I’m aging, my appreciation for life and the process of getting older is expanding. It is an exceptional gift to age year after year — no matter how we feel about our age. 

11 March 2024

an animated world

Long before any ism or religion existed in humanity's consciousness, animist practice was the embodied experience of living beings. 

Animism is not a theory, a philosophy, or an idea. It was simply how things were. A common understanding - across the entire world, for all of time. 

The fabric offerings tied to a tree mark offerings to a being of the landscape.
Olkhon Island, Irkutsk Oblast, Russian Federation.
 Roberto QuijadaCC BY-NC

Animism is not a religion one can convert to but rather a label used for worldviews and practices. It identifies and describes acknowledge relationships between nature and the animal world. A driving force and influence over humans and a way of being that needed to be respected.

20 February 2024

Tara Mangalartha

The Tara Mangalartha Mantra is a prayer to restore climate balance. 

Oṃ tāre tuttāre ture Maṅgalaṃ śrī mahā pāṇi svāhā

Tara Mangalartha, the 12th Tara

Translated as, "she who brings about auspiciousness." This mantra is a sacred chant associated with the deity Tara - a revered figure in Tibetan Buddhism.

Tara Mangalartha (Drölma Tashi Dönjema) is the twelfth Tara, depicted as peaceful and golden yellow goddess. Seated serenely on her lotus flower with an auspicious infinity knot.

13 February 2024

day of love

Christianity often modeled early celebrations and holidays on existing festivals and feasts. For example, Christmas holiday started out when winter solstice was celebrated. 

On the same trend, Valentine's Day was held on February 14 while Lupercalia was celebrated February 13 to 15. In time many of these old-time festivals were replaced by the spreading influence of this latest religion. 

La Lupa Capitolina "the Capitoline Wolf" with figures of Romulus & Remus added

Lupercalia was observed to honor pagan gods of love, marriage, and fertility -Pan and Juno. It is celebrated with a rite of purification and health. Only slightly connected to fertility and more as a part of celebrating health. Not at all about love. 

09 January 2024

new face

With the remake of the movie "The Color Purple" interest in Alice Walker and her words has surged more than usual. 

In her book "The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult" the Mendocino County-based author revisits the film set - describing her personal reactions to the whole experience, in brave, naked detail.

Her writing brilliantly unveils an artist’s pain and joy at seeing her work take on a surprising life of its own. For writers and artists, it is full of valuable insights. 

02 January 2024

Sandra Ingerman | shamanic journeying for healing

Today is the start of a new course with Sandra Ingerman - "Shamanic Journeying for Healing" at the Shift Network

It is perfectly timed - opening 2024 to much of it potential and possibility. Exploring an ancient practice intimately intertwined with the elements of nature. Journeying into non-ordinary realms in ceremony - for healing, support, and guidance. 

Sandra Ingerman in an intimate connection with helping spirits and nature beings of these unseen realms. Into worlds beyond our world - shamanic journeying to connect with multidimensional guides and their insights since ancient times. 

Sandra Ingerman teaches how to experience firsthand what it looks, feels, and sounds like to explore other worlds and be in true physical presence with the divine beings who dwell there. 

Providing options and solutions to our greatest personal and collective challenges to share - with family, friends, colleagues, and community. A truly life changing experience. 

May we all contribute in the creation of a better world for all. A glorious 2024 to all!